Archive for 'News and Updates'

BDP News 2019

BDP News 2019

We are happy to report that we are now doing print distribution through the Independent Publishers’ Group, iPG. Book releases will be timed to match iPG’s biennial catalog.

Video of Phillip Gardner’s short story, Happy Hour

Video of Phillip Gardner’s short story, Happy Hour

Check out this short film of Phillip Gardner’s “Happy Hour” here on Vimeo.

Phillip is the author of the short story collections Somebody Wants Somebody Dead and Available Light.

LA Times Festival of “Beaks” 2014

LA Times Festival of “Beaks” 2014

Lots of excitement at the LA Times Festival of Books on the USC campus, April 11-12. We unveiled Advance Review Copies of Billy Tabbs (& The Glorious Darrow) (Mike Michaud), Not Easy Being Green (Susy Gage), and The Mindtraveler (Bonnie Rozanski). Susy showed up to sign and give away free […]

Bill Bunn author visit!

Bill Bunn author visit!

Bill Bunn was in Los Angeles July 17-22 to promote Hymns of Home and Duck Boy. A great time was had by all.

Winter updates 2013

There’s a lot new happening here at BDP this winter. First of all, we’re working hard on our three Spring releases: The Trajectory of Dreams, Hymns of Home, and Only the Moon Howls (Jay is working so hard that her own co-authored book, Truly Tricky Physics Problems, will be a little late).

We have a […]

Q&A With Jay in August Physics Today

Q&A With Jay in August Physics Today

Check out this interview in Physics Today with our founding editor, talking about her published book and, of course, Bitingduck Press!

Boson author in the news

Boson author in the news

Phillip Gardner, author of the short-story collection Somebody Wants Somebody Dead, has been featured on SCNOW.

Phillip’s stories are a set of adventures and thrillers with surprise endings, and often surprise beginnings. They examine the squalid underbelly of Southern life in a way that never fails to make you laugh.


Three new authors for July!

Three new authors for July!

Our Fall nonfiction catalog has been expanded by the addition of two new authors and the contribution of a third to an existing book (101 Problems… which will have many more than 101 by the time we’re finished!)

History professor Andrew Szanajda brings us a history textbook for college undergraduates and instructors,

Boson author in the news!

Boson author in the news!

The Charlotte Observer has run a feature on Jean Houghton-Beatty and her books that tell about the World War II era and the period that followed. Her books are Different Drummers, about an Englishwoman who marries an American soldier post-war, and who is thrown into […]

July special: Nonfiction

July special: Nonfiction

Only for the month of July, Sally Sullivan’s “Writing Fiction and Poetry” is available for $0.99 on Amazon. Sally Sullivan writes and teaches at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington. She has published poetry, fiction, and two textbooks on rhetoric. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Writing Fiction and Poetry […]

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