NOW AVAILABLE:Democracy Undone


NOW AVAILABLE:Democracy Undone

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Released as an e-book just before the 2012 presidential election, Democracy Undone shows how the 2000 and 2004 elections were corrupted, and what we can do to combat fraud this time. Our electoral process is rotten: in their quest for private profit, American corporations and billionaires have progressively undermined our democracy.  Money is used to sway elections and to buy politicians who are intent upon conducting our nation’s business in their own interests rather than in the interests of the voters who elected them.

Today our votes are registered, counted and reported largely by electronic machines produced and owned by private corporations.  Those machines produce vote counts that are wholly unverifiable by any means, unless one chooses to consider the vote count “verified” by virtue of the fact that the numbers appear on the machine.  When citizens groups, election integrity organizations, or public officials ask to examine the machines for evidence of election fraud, the machines’ owners say NO – the machines are “proprietary”, meaning that they own them and nobody else has the right to touch them without their permission. Yet most Americans have been led to accept these things as natural or benign.  Americans need to be much more skeptical about all these things than they have been.

This book describes the many ways in which our election system has been corrupted, from the buying of politicians by billionaires, to the spread of self-serving propaganda by our national corporate-owned communications media, to the counting of our votes by machines that produce unverifiable results, to the massive purposeful disenfranchisement of qualified voters.

The author is Dale Tavris, MD, MPH, who has worked as an epidemiologist and public health physician in state public health departments, the U.S. Air Force, the Medical College of Wisconsin, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 1979.  He has published dozens of scientific articles in medical and public health journals, and two books (“Philosophy in Epidemiology and Public Health” and “The Unfulfilled Promise of the American Dream”).

His interest in the subject of election fraud was sparked by the results of the 2004 Presidential election, which showed George W. Bush winning the election despite national exit polls that predicted a victory for John Kerry by 2.6% of the national vote, as well as a victory of 4.2% in the crucial swing state of Ohio, which Bush also won.  Following that election he used the statistical skills he had acquired in his training and career as an epidemiologist to evaluate the 2004 election (and others) for evidence of election fraud.  As a result of his writings on this subject he was invited to participate in a delegation with the purpose of lobbying the U.S. Senate to challenge the results of the 2004 election.  While participating in that delegation he met Clint Curtis, a computer programmer and life-long Republican who had recently testified before Congress that he had been asked to write a computer program that would switch votes from one candidate to another. Curtis had written the program and had testified to Congress that he believed his program had been used to switch votes in the 2004 election from John Kerry to George Bush.  Curtis told the delegation that his dog had been poisoned in 2002, which he took as a warning to him not to tell what he knew about the vote switching program incident.

Later Dr. Tavris joined the Election Defense Alliance as its data coordinator, to continue analyzing election related data for evidence of fraud.  Articles that he authored or co-authored in that capacity included: An analysis of voter reports which documented the voters’ witnessing of their vote switching from Kerry to Bush on touch screen voting machines; “Coalescing Evidence of Massive Voter Registration Fraud in Ohio 2004”; “Fingerprints of Election Theft: Were Competitive Contests Targeted”, and; “Excessive Undervotes in Ohio Diebold Counties – Senate Race 2006”, among others.

In recent years, he has become a prominent poster at several political websites, with an emphasis on election integrity, and currently writes one of the top ten most read journals on the website under the screen name “Time for change”. His DU journal can be found here and his private site is here.

The book has received pre- and post-release critical acclaim from several key political analysts. “There could not be a more timely or important book to read this November,” is just one example of what is being said (see reviews on Barnes and Noble and Amazon).

Also see!

Will H.I.G.-owned e-voting machines give Romney the White House?
by Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
October 12, 2012

Available here and here

Dale comments on it on Democracy Underground in an article here

Billionaires and Ballot Bandits by Greg Palast

available here

One Response to “NOW AVAILABLE:Democracy Undone”

  1. rhett o rick says:

    This is a most important subject. Without free elections we are not free. I have read excerpts and believe Dr. Tavris has done a great job of getting to the root of the problem.

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