Coming 2016: A Passion for Physics


Coming 2016: A Passion for Physics

Our first signed title for Spring 2014 is a biography of physicist Hedwig Kohn, entitled Hedwig Kohn: A Passion for Physics, by Brenda P. Winnewisser.Hedwig Kohn (1887-1964) was one of the pioneer women in physics, not only in Germany. She was the third, and last,
woman to attain the Habilitation (quali cation for a professorship, and for formal lectures in the German-speaking part of Europe) up to WWII, the two others being Lise Meitner and Hertha Sponer. All three of them fled Germany. Kohn was a respected experimental physicist, well-known in Germany between the two World Wars, and a dedicated and eff ective teacher, but this is the first full-length story of her life. The biography is not primarily a history of science. It is primarily a social or cultural history of a scientist, how she contributed to the history of science, how both science and history impacted her life, and how she dealt with the challenges. See an interview with the author here

2 Responses to “Coming 2016: A Passion for Physics”

  1. Laszlo Nemes says:

    Please send me info about this book, when it will have appeared. I would be interested to download it in Kindle ebook format (if possible)

    Greetings. László Nemes, Budapest, Hungary

  2. I too am interested in reading the book in kindle format.
    Please email me when available- just finished on Lise Meitner, having early on read many books on the men, which are terribly easy to find.
    Really appreciate being able to know these women and the contributions that they made, and the hurtles they overcame in their passion for their work. I admire them, and find them courageous and encouraging. We need to hear more of these stories to encourage others in their fields, particularly those we have skills for and find difficult or nearly impossible to work in/be educated in.

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